Title | Amana-Goodman 0131M00849Sp-208-230V1Ph 1/3Hp 910Rpm 3Spd | PartsHnC |
URL | https://www.partshnc.com/0131m00849sp-amana-goodman-208-230v1ph-13hp-910rpm-3spd |
Category | Business --> Industrial Goods and Services |
Meta Keywords | #Amanagoodman #AmanagoodmanParts #0131M00849SP #Blowermotor #PartsHnC #PartsHnCBuzz #HVACParts #FurnaceParts #AirConditionerParts
Meta Description | Looking For The Best Prices On Oem/Replacement Part# 0131M00849Sp, 208-230V1Ph 1/3Hp 910Rpm 3Spd For Amana-Goodman? You've come to the right place. Shop at PartsHnC with same day shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee! |
Owner | PartsHnC |
Description |
The Amana-Goodman 0131M00849SP is a single-phase, 1/3 horsepower, 3-speed indoor blower motor that is widely used in domestic heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HVAC systems. Its purpose is to move air around in the ventilation ductwork so that the temperature and airflow are constant throughout.