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Title Lady Era Tablet: How it Works, How Long it Lasts
Category Fitness Health --> Pharmacy
Meta Keywords lady era, viagra, kamagra, cialis, nizagara, sildenafil, tadalafil, erectafil, lovegra, tadacip, vidalista, tadalista, aurogra, cenforce, fildena, tadapox
Owner Gulickhhc LadyEra

The pharmacist's main goal is to ensure the customer safety. Any medication dispensed in our pharmacy is safe, tested and licensed. Before buying, we always consult men and women about contraindications and possible side effects.

What is Lady Era?

Lady Era is a drug marketed to women that claims to treat low sex drive. The main ingredient it contains is sildenafil. Sildenafil is also found in Viagra, the most commonly prescribed medications for treating erectile dysfunction in men.

Lady Era claims to be an approved treatment for female sexual dysfunction in some countries, however it is not available to buy the UK. At the moment there's no proper evidence to show it works in women for treating sexual dysfunction, so it is not yet an approved treatment.

Can I buy Lady Era online?

Lady Era is not available to buy in the UK because it’s not approved here to treat female sexual dysfunction. Anywhere selling Lady Era for women to people in the UK is actually doing so illegally. Even in other countries, buying Lady Era from online sellers carries some risk because it’s difficult to tell if the sellers are legitimate and which countries Lady Era is legal in.

Does Lady Era work?

Lady Era is not approved for use as a medication in the UK and isn’t proven to be effective for treating sexual dysfunction in women. There are a few studies that explore the effects of sildenafil, the active ingredient in Lady Era, on female sexual dysfunction:
A study into sildenafil and low sex drive in women showed that there was no clear benefit

Another smaller study of sildenafil for women with low sex drive did show some improvements

One study in post-menopausal women showed some evidence that sildenafil can improve vaginal symptoms related to sex but not sex drive

A small-scale study showed that sildenafil might improve sexual function-related side effects caused by SSRIs (antidepressants)

Whilst another showed women with type 1 diabetes taking sildenafil showed improvements in sexual function

Overall the evidence is very mixed and doesn’t prove sildenafil is a useful treatment for women with sexual dysfunction.

Are there any reviews of Lady Era online?

There are limited reviews of Lady Era and they are unreliable. Some sites state customer ratings without any individual comments from users, and many websites are likely selling the product illegally. Lady Era isn’t proven to work so it’s unlikely to have positive reviews.

Are there plans to approve Lady Era in the UK?

There are no plans to approve Lady Era in the UK as evidence currently does not support sildenafil for female sexual dysfunction. Until there is proper evidence that sildenafil helps treat sexual dysfunction in women, products like Lady Era won’t be approved for sale in the UK.

Is Lady Era safe?

Products that contain sildenafil for women such as Lady Era would only be safe if a doctor had approved them for you. This is unlikely to happen as it is not currently approved in the UK. Even if approved, a a full medical history would need to be taken before prescribing to ensure it was safe for the person to take. 

Lady Era could cause many of the same side effects in women that sildenafil medications can in men. Also, because it’s not well regulated, it’s unclear whether Lady Era contains what it claims to, or whether there are dangerous levels of medication in it.

Independent research by the Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia has found that Lady Era contains some ingredients that haven’t been declared by manufacturers. These ingredients are ones that are usually only available on prescription, so by taking Lady Era you could be putting your health at risk.