Title | Resideo Uv2400U1000-Uv Air Purifier 24V | PartsHnC |
URL | https://www.partshnc.com/uv2400u1000-resideo-uv-air-purifier-24v |
Category | Business --> Products |
Meta Keywords | #Resideo #ResideoParts #UV2400U1000 #Airpurifier
#PartsHnC #HVACParts #FurnaceParts #AirConditionerParts
Meta Description |
Looking For The Best Prices On Oem/Replacement Part# Uv2400U1000, Uv Air Purifier 24V For Resideo? You've come to the right place. Shop at PartsHnC with same day shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee!
Owner | PartsHnC |
Description |
The Resideo UV2400U1000 UV Air Purifier 24V is an air purifier that may be fitted into your home's HVAC system. It targets and destroys mold, germs, and viruses in the air as they move through your ducting by using ultraviolet (UV) light. This has the potential to reduce the spread of illnesses and improve indoor air quality. |